Călin Isabela Adriana

General Director for Acoustic Energy Company (A. E. Company)


  • Lady Călin Isabela Adriana is licensed in physics and has two masters in geophysics and seismic. Currently she attending PhD in Energy and Environmental Physics.
  • Her experience in energy and her professional training leading to a research, innovation and new technologies.
  • Her work in team recommends as leader which knows to win the hearts of her team (in the first place) and which can form and develop a team in any conditions. Ability and her passion to identify, to understand and to develop technologies (especially new technologies) is located in the center of her own success.
  • Her love for the people underlies her concepts - every man has a huge potential which is the biggest gain for humanity and which can only achieve in a proper environment.
  • She also believes that a dream is necessary to achieve any goal impossible,  because dreams are the gateway to eternity. They are the first steps toward development.
  • Her solutions are always compatible with nature because they are inspired by nature. Acoustic wave (infrasound or ultrasound) - called "the mysterious voice of nature" – are the items that she has used for to create her new concepts and innovations in renewable energy and oil techniques because their mode of propagation is the most natural way of energy propagation. Any propagation of pressure fluctuations is an acoustic wave, in any environment, from microcosm to macrocosm, from the voice sea to shaping up human DNA. This inexhaustible energy source (present everywhere), so easily obtained and transmitted (George Constantinescu - Sonicity), can be a solution for problems of energy resources and the exploration of the environment or medicine.
  • Research / innovation in the field of acoustics / sonics can cover a very large area of the energy, both in the oil industry (oil well acoustic stimulation, acoustic drilling, oil demulsification etc..) and in the area of renewable energy (sound waves can be used as renewable energy source or mode of transportation / transmission of renewable sources) or medicene.
  •  Her priorities on A. E. technologies:
  1. Expansion the research in existing fields
  2. Applying her technologies in other areas of new research and industrial
  3. Creating a new area of research with her technologies
  4. Increased number of innovations / inventions in field
  • Local effects / Global effects anticipated:
  1. Development of new clean energy technologies, in particular in renewable energy field accessible to all areas of the Terra
  2. Creation and development of new energy markets
  3. Drastic reduction of global pollution
  4. Creation of new jobs
  • The her technologies success will depend on the approach, the strategy outlined and opening of all the factors responsible for the sustainable future of mankind.